Do I need to qualify for the program?

Yes, we are a respected industry leader because we choose to partner only with each market’s strongest candidates. If you are interested in becoming a Dealer, please contact us directly at 800-591-1202 or by email at [email protected], and we’d be happy to discuss the opportunity and our application process.

Do I need a dealer’s license?

Yes, each state has a list of requirements. Each state is different, but some common requirements include: application fees, schooling or testing, bonding, and a sales location.

How long does it take to get licensed and opened?

It generally takes between 30-90 days from the time an applicant is approved to become a Dealer in our program until they are licensed and open for business.

Why wouldn’t I get my own flooring from the bank?

Credit, net worth, and other requirements can make it difficult for new dealers to qualify for floor plan financing from conventional lenders. Many who qualify for conventional floor plan financing find our program more attractive because we allow them access to the proper amount of flooring necessary to run a location without paying exorbitant rates.

Do I have to qualify for retail financing?

Not for a land/home transaction lender, but most chattel lenders will screen you if you want to go direct. Chattel brokers don’t need to approve you if you can’t go direct.

How much startup capital should we have?

Generally, you’ll need between $13,000 – $58,000* to open the lot; please contact your Dealers Network associate for more details.

Has there been any market research/analysis done for certain territories?

Yes, for more details on specific territories, please contact your Dealers Network contact.

How does Dealers Network gather market research?

We track all states that both Dealers Network and our “sister” companies are located.

Do you have any local businesses we can see? Can you provide a reference list?

Yes! We can connect qualified candidates to one of our retailers in our network that can talk through their experiences with you.

Do you have a sample performer you can share? What are realistic profit margins?

Here is data from an invoice from one of our dealers. You will see the customer’s price and what we charged for the model directly from the manufacturer:

Customer purchase price: $141,308
Factory invoice: $101,362
Operator’s Margin: $39,946

When will I have the model homes I need to start?

We’ll work directly with the manufacturer to have 4-5 models on your lot when you are ready to open.

How long does it take to get new models on the lot? We are hearing it’s taking 6-8 months when ordering right now.

Due to a multitude of factors, product availability times will vary based on your location. Your Dealers Network contact will give you more specific times during your initial conversation. However, because of our network, manufacturers are willing to sell to us over smaller dealerships, giving us the advantage.

How many models are suggested to start with?

4-5 models to start.

Who can I talk to about things that I might not know how to do?

Talk to our staff; we’re here to support you! We know the “do’s” and “don’ts” and welcome your requests for help.

Copyright © 2025 Dealers Network  |  All Rights Reserved  |  1-800-718-1772

*See sales associate for details. Terms and conditions apply.
**May not be available in all markets
+Based on 2017 available data provided by 2017 American Community Survey.

The actual start-up costs and potential revenue earned for each Dealer location are subject to change and are impacted by market, lot size, current economic conditions, etc. Each Dealer is independent, and the results may vary among locations. Each Dealer acknowledges that it has conducted an independent investigation of the business venture and recognizes that the success of this business venture will depend upon the ability of the Dealer. Dealers Network LLC expressly disclaims making, and Dealer acknowledges that it has not received or relied on, any warranty or guarantee, express or implied, as to the potential volume, profits, or success of the business venture. Terms and conditions apply. Please see a Dealers Network representative for details.